Fantastic Beasts 3: 10 Storylines The Sequel Should Explore
Expectations aren’t as high as they could have been for Fantastic Beasts 3, as the previous film’s lackluster performance in storytelling soured quite a bit of the fanbase. This doesn’t mean the third film has to follow suit, though, as it’s only a matter of presenting better storylines.
Although some of the arcs seen in Crimes of Grindelwald weren’t well-received, they need to be addressed in the next film in order to bring them to a close and justify their inclusion. The movie can also conclude elements set up from the first part and set up events that were seen during the Harry Potter chronology. Let’s see what the potential storylines can be.
10 Dumbledore And Grindelwald's Love Story

When it comes to the matter of ranking the most powerful wizards in the Harry Potter universe, Dumbledore and Grindelwald appear at the very top. However, these two were also confirmed to have been in love at the time of their youth.
The third film can fully show the love story play out, with the young Albus and Gellert’s romance fully materialized for viewers to see. This can be a storyline that runs parallel to their antagonisms as adults in the movie, making it both a prequel and a sequel.
9 Grindelwald's Domination Of Europe

For a guy who was said to have conquered almost all of Europe, Grindelwald probably deserved harsher consequences than he got. The film can have him at his worst, with the plot revolving around how Grindelwald is now fully willing to kill without putting up any kind of act.
This can be shown through the use of time skips, with Grindelwald’s grip on the contact steadily increasing as the years go by. The story could also put this as part of the backdrop, making Grindelwald’s presence as a looming aspect that the main characters have to prevent.
8 Nagini Giving In To Her Corruption

Nagini had next to nothing to do in The Crimes of Grindelwald, even coming across as one of the good guys. The sequel can begin her descent into villainy, with her storyline concerning Nagini’s corruption, both physically and mentally. There needs to be proper justification as to why it was so difficult to hunt her as a horcrux in the future.
This can be the result of her relationship with Credence falling apart or by Nagini becoming influenced by Grindelwald’s message. Her arc could also include Nagini adopting snakelike mannerisms in her human form, thereby presenting her fall from grace throughout the length of the film.
7 Dumbledore Becoming The Transfiguration Teacher

Like other points, Dumbledore being the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher had no bearing on the story in The Crime of Grindelwald. This time round, his teaching can be integrated within the plot, with the story revealing why he decided to ditch his previous position and take up another one.
Considering the fact that he’s considered among the best teachers Hogwarts had, it would make sense for the film to integrate this aspect into the plotline. It can be presented as Dumbledore distancing himself from the subject in order to keep any indication of the Dark Arts away from himself.
6 Young Voldemort's First Acts Of Evil

The official synopsis of the movie reveals that the lead-up to the Second World War will be part of the plot. By this point, Voldemort will be starting up at school, meaning his acts of evil during youth can play out on-screen as well.
This can be integrated very well in the story, as Voldemort can be shown trying to uncover fantastic beasts around Hogwarts in order to use them for his nefarious means. Considering his Tom Riddle version is considered more interesting, his origin storyline can begin right here.
5 Queenie Learning The Truth About Grindelwald

It would be pretty silly to show Queenie changing her mind about Grindelwald in a solitary scene, so her arc has to be set across the whole film. To this end, Queen can be shown partaking in Grindelwald’s heinous acts and slowly realizing she’s gone way in over her head.
Jacob can be part of this plotline by showing his efforts in trying to track her down. This can culminate in Queenie reconciling with him once Grindelwald puts Jacob in danger. The benefit of this story would be to develop Queenie into a mature version of the person she was in the first movie.
4 Newt And Tina Truly Falling In Love

When it comes to the romantic pairings found in the Harry Potter universe, fans still like the one between Newt and Tina even though they weren’t at their best during Crimes of Grindelwald. With enough dilly-dallying by this point, the next film can develop their love story.
This angle can play out by placing the two together right from the start, with Tina joining Newt in his career as a magizoologist. It can retain their elements of the two being awkward about their feelings, with the arc culminating with one of them finally making their feelings clear and truly beginning their romance.
3 Credence Trying To Master His Powers

While this was one of the angles in The Crimes of Grindelwald, Credence’s magical mastery wasn’t treated as a fully-fledged storyline until the closing minutes of the film. His story in the third movie can place Credence as the weapon for Grindelwald.
His development into a darker character can be shown through his horrible acts, while another plot of his birth played out in more detail. Overall, Credence’s story should have to do with Grindelwald’s manipulation of his powers and how they become far more powerful.
2 Young Hagrid Losing His Parents And Arriving At Hogwarts

Hagrid was pretty underrated in many ways, mostly how his role as a father figure to Harry wasn’t expanded in later novels. Being a couple of years younger than Voldemort, Hagrid becoming part of the story is easy to see, especially considering his liking for magical beasts.
As far as his arc goes, it can be blended with Dumbledore’s plot at Hogwarts, with Hagrid shown as a young boy around the time his father died. It might be too ambitious to integrate into just one film, but the Chamber of Secrets plotline can be kicked off in this movie by having Hagrid procure Aragog as an egg.
1 Newt Having To Round Up Beasts In Brazil

Brazil has been confirmed to be a major backdrop for the third film, with the most likely scenario being that Newt Scamander’s services will be required in the country. Considering the title of the series is Fantastic Beasts, placing the capture of these beasts in an international setting makes sense.
This can be placed into the plot by having Grindelwald begin a situation in Brazil in order to ensure that Newt isn’t in Europe during his reign of tyranny. Newt’s storyline can see him and Tina attempt to not only round up these animals but to use them as part of the good guys’ fight against Grindelwald.
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