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Aliens: The 10 Best Quotes From The 1986 Film | ScreenRant

Alien was a straight up, claustrophobic psychological horror film, but director James Cameron wasn't interested in ripping off the same premise for the sequel. Instead, he cleverly (and perfectly) built on the universe and characters that Ridley Scott and his crew had crafted back in 1979, and set the follow-up story in the pretext of an action film.

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The gamble paid off, making Aliens one of the most iconic sci-fi films of all time, not to mention one of the single-best sequels ever created. The second film was written so well that its memorable one-liners practically spilled off the pages of the script.

10 "Look Into My Eye!"

Sergeant Apone was more than happy to get out of hyper-sleep and kick off the mission on LV-426, and he signaled his happiness by waking up his dreary, non-enthusiastic Marines with some good old fashioned military cheer. Nobody shared his feelings, with Hudson taking the time out to complain about how freezing the floor was on bare feet.

When Apone asks if Hudson wants him to fetch his slippers, Hudson asks, "Gee, sir, would you? I'd like that," to which Apone tugs down his lower eyelid and utters this quote which is a reference to the old military saying "Do you see a speck of 'give a s**t' in my eye?"

9 Hudson: "Hey Vasquez, Have You Ever Been Mistaken For A Man?" â€” Vasquez: "No. Have You?"

Ripley awoke alongside a team of battle-hardened Colonial Marines who were just itching for a firefight. Regardless of hyper-sleep queasiness, private Vasquez didn't hesitate to hit the bars and start doing some pull-ups to get the blood flowing to her muscles.

Private Hudson, played to smarmy perfection by the late, great Bill Paxton, decided to ask Vasquez if she'd ever been mistaken for a man due to her physicality. Without missing a beat, Vasquez came back with a timeless burn that commanded high-fives on both the Sulaco and in theaters.

8 "Alright Sweethearts, You Heard The Man And You Know The Drill! A**holes And Elbows!"

Al Matthews wasn't faking his tough-guy drill sergeant role in Aliens. In fact, he'd served in the Vietnam War and even went so far as to become the first black Marine to reach that rank. He was partially hired because of his real-world believability as a military man, and the effect was top-notch.

Here, Matthews' character Apone puts the boot in early to get his team moving, with no room for lazybones. The latter portion "a**holes and elbows" is a reference to the only two body parts one's boss should see when they walk by, which signifies that employees are hard at work.

7 "We're On An Express Elevator To Hell, Goin' Down!"

In preparation for the dreaded combat drop, the Marines strapped in and awaited the countdown. Each dealt with the stress in their own way. Some like Lieutenant Gorman fell ill, while others like Corporal Hicks took forty winks. Extrovert-extraordinaire Hudson got excited for what he must have thought was the most exciting part of the mission.

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As the countdown dropped into the single digits, Hudson uttered this quote before the dropship was released and sent careening down into the upper atmosphere of LV-426, while he screamed enthusiastically.

6 "Yo! Stop Your Grinnin' And Drop Your Linen!"

Hudson displayed a rare moment of seriousness when he dropped this quote after locating the transmitter beacons which were surgically implanted into the colonists who lived on LV-426. He was able to track them to the processing plant where the xenomorph nest had been established.

The phrase is a loose play on the idea of dropping your fancy clothes and getting into your rough overalls in order to do some hard work. Hudson knew that it was time to roll, and that meant getting serious for the mission ahead.

5 "What The Hell Are We Supposed To Use, Man? Harsh Language?"

Lieutenant Gorman put up a decent façade as an experienced and confident military man, but his haplessness nearly cost him his entire team. After infiltrating the processing plant, Ripley noticed that the team was directly underneath the primary heat exchangers which could be ruptured by their ammunition in a firefight.

When Burke concurred and described a thermonuclear meltdown event, Gorman panicked and ordered Apone to collect magazines from everyone in favor of less lethal rounds. Private Frost was less than sanguine about the whole affair, responding with this hilarious and altogether justified quote.

4 "I Say We Take Off. Nuke The Site From Orbit. It's The Only Way To Be Sure."

After their thorough thrashing by the aliens, the Marines decided to regroup and brainstorm possible counterattack measures. Several ideas came to the fold, but none were deemed viable enough to risk another incursion into the process plant.

Ripley had a better idea, however. She was keen on lifting off and nuking the entire site from orbit using the Sulaco's advanced weaponry which would permanently put an end to the alien menace. The quote has since become part of the pop culture lexicon and is used in reference whenever something is so broken beyond repair that it should be "nuked from orbit."

3 "Game Over, Man! Game Over!"

The first encounter between the Marines and the alien horde was disastrous and resulted in the deaths of several Marines. The rest barely escaped with their lives after some quick thinking and take-charge attitude by Ripley when Gorman fell to pieces. Safely out of harm's way, the team called for evac via the dropship which was still parked at the colony.

In mid-flight, an alien attacked Corporal Ferro and caused the dropship to crash-land, putting an end to their hopes for rescue. Believing all options had been spent, Hudson lost his cool and went 100% fatalist, spouting this quote that has gone on to become a signature staple of Aliens lore, and pop culture in general.

2 "Get Away From Her, You Bitch!"

No other quote is as iconic or cool as this one uttered by uttered by Ellen Ripley on board the Sulaco. When the Alien Queen was revealed to have stowed away on board, it quickly tore Bishop apart before pursuing Newt through the floor grating. Ripley emerged from the storage bay in a Power Loader to even the odds against the Queen.

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The quote is memorable for two reasons. First, it demonstrated Ripley's fierce motherly protectiveness over Newt. Second, it became a source of catharsis for Ripley who had finally had enough, and summoned all her courage to face down her most terrible nightmare.

1 Newt: "Can I Dream?" — Ripley: "Yes Honey, I Think We Both Can."

Both Newt and Ripley had been plagued by nightmares as a result of their encounters with the xenomorph species. It's hard to say which of the two suffered greater trauma, but both counted on each other for support during those frightening moments. When the mission was complete and the alien menace was destroyed, both were ready for a little peace.

While preparing for hyper-sleep back to Earth, Newt and Ripley exchanged these words with each other before drifting off to sleep believing that the danger had passed. Unfortunately, things were about to get far, far worse for both.

NEXT: Ridley Scott: 5 Reasons Why Blade Runner Is His Best Sci-Fi Movie (& 5 Why Alien Is A Close Second)

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