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10 Most Hilarious Black Canary Memes Of All Time | ScreenRant

DC Comics has an endless line of iconic heroines and one of them is Black Canary who has played many roles during her existence. While it’s mostly the Dinah Laurel Lance version that carries the title, she has gone from being Green Arrow’s ultimate partner/lover to being a key member of the Justice League as well as one of the founders of the Birds of Prey. Outside of the comics, Black Canary has been portrayed multiple times on screen, both in animation and live-action. In recent years, Arrow has been the home of multiple Black Canaries while the DCEU just introduced Jurnee Smollett as the cinematic version of Dinah Lance.

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The Arrowverse has had an odd journey with the heroine as the title has been used by several people. By the end of the Green Arrow drama, there are two of them at the same time. From her iconic sonic scream to her being a butt-kicking fighter, there is so much to love about Black Canary. But fans have definitely also been able to find some pretty hilarious elements about her too.

10 Rip Hunter Failing Black Canary

Arrow season 4 became a controversial year for the DC drama when Katie Cassidy’s Black Canary was suddenly killed off which received a lot of criticism. Even though this happened in a universe where there are magic and time-travel, Laurel conveniently didn’t get resurrected.  Even on Legends of Tomorrow, Rip Hunter knew Laurel’s death was coming and he kept it from her sister Sara.

This meme perfectly highlights both the frustration and absurdity of how Laurel’s death couldn’t be reversed. As many rules as Rip used to break, this was one time he should have done it.

9 The State Of A Black Canary

Laurel’s season 2 arc was not the character’s best year, to say the least. Following Tommy Merlyn’s death, the future Black Canary had a massive spiral down that she had to work hard to come back from. It definitely didn’t make things easier when Laurel found out that her sister, who she thought was dead, was now suddenly alive again.

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Laurel’s state was an emotional roller coaster to follow. Hilariously enough, this meme hits the nail on the spot as she could keep smiling through her pain while struggling emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

8 Doing Canary Cries Without VFX

If you’re an actor who gets to play the Black Canary in any way, whether it’s on TV or film, the most fun part is doing the Canary Cry. However, having to physically do it pre-VFX can probably be a bit awkward for the performer while filming. Because there isn’t any actual screaming during filming, standing there and just mouthing the cry looks hilarious no matter who is doing it. Whenever photos for new episodes of Arrow came out, any time a Canary was doing the cry, it’s understandable if you cracked a smile.

7 Black Siren’s Alternative Arc

Following Laurel’s death, it didn’t take long before a new Black Canary entered the Arrowverse through the power of the Multiverse. The Flash introduced Laurel’s Earth-2 doppelganger Black Siren who was on a villainous path at that point. While she had her agenda with Zoom, Siren could have had a different arc.

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What if Black Siren learned that the Arrow writers had killed off a pivotal Green Arrow character who just happens to be her Earth-1 doppelganger? It’s safe to say that she probably wouldn’t be super-thrilled about it.

6 Never Get An Angry Canary Cry

Whenever Oliver and Dinah were together, it’s not hard to imagine that the Emerald Archer occasionally annoyed her. Oliver is known for having a wacky sense of humor which has its hit and misses. However, if your girlfriend is a powerful metahuman with a sonic scream that is deadly to a human, it’s not wise to piss her off. If Dinah really wanted to, she could blast that Canary Cry with all of her strength.

5 The Ultimate Arrow Shade

As many viewers quickly realized, Earth-2 Laurel was very different from her Earth-1 counterpart. While Black Siren did redeem herself into a hero several seasons later on Arrow, it was quite the journey she had to go through at first.

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While Arrow season 4 had to deal with the fallout of Laurel’s death, Black Siren pretty much said the thing that many Black Canary fans were feeling at that time. Hopefully, this is the last time a Black Canary is ever killed on TV or film.

4 Black Canary Vs Downloading

How would Black Canary do with technology, but more importantly, downloading huge files? Whether it’s computer work or downloading a massive hit game to your console, everyone can relate to the massive wait that usually comes with downloads. Anyone who has ever had something get stuck at 99% probably feels exactly like this meme when that 1% is messing everything up. It would probably be wise for Black Canary to have a good Internet connection if she ever intends to get into gaming.

3 How The Flash Outdid Arrow In One Episode

Arrow was criticized for how they portrayed Black Canary from how Laurel became the heroine to the lack of metahuman powers. Even after she suited up, Laurel only got to be a superhero for one season before she was killed off. The Flash pretty much had to swoop in to save the mother series after Laurel’s controversial death.

But what is absurd and hilarious about it is that despite being evil, they did a very accurate Black Canary with Black Siren in just one episode. Take out the fact that she was a misguided villain, this Laurel had a more accurate Canary costume as well as the iconic sonic scream and fighting skills.

2 The Dinah Laurel Lance Debate

Following the introduction of the Earth-2 Laurel Lance, there were definitely debates about which version of Cassidy’s character was the better one. On the one hand, Siren was the better fighter, was a metahuman, and had more of the witty personality she is known for in the comics.

On the other hand, Earth-1 Laurel, while she may have lacked some of Siren’s skills, had the heart and spirit that Black Canary is known for in the comics. It’s probably safe to say that the Laurel debate got to the point that this meme went to where it does look a bit hilarious.

1 Black Canary Of 2 Earths

While Laurel did end up in a good place by Arrow’s end, both versions of Cassidy’s character were given a lot of traumatic arcs. It’s a miracle that Earth-2 Laurel didn’t go down an even darker path given what followed after she got to Earth-1. However, when looking at the two Laurels and their respective histories, it’s insane how heartbreaking it’s.

Earth-1 Laurel may have gotten her Oliver back, but Siren definitely didn’t. Even though he died, Earth-1 Quentin was revived thanks to the Crisis while Siren’s Quentin was dead. But what this proves is that Black Canary, no matter what Earth, is truly a fighter.

NEXT: Arrow: The 7 Black Canary Characters, Ranked

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