10 Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air was a '90s sitcom that starred Will Smith as a teenager that is sent by his mother from his West Philadelphia roots to live with his wealthy aunt, uncle and their kids in their Bel-Air mansion. He often clashes with them given their different lifestyles, but it also certainly made for some comedic moments.
Years later, the sitcom is remembered in memes, which contain a level of comedy that is just too hilarious for words.
10 Interesting Texts

This is actually a clever, yet kind of brutal way (considering the part regarding the fight) to mess with a friend using the lyrics from the theme song of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Luckily the lyrics tell a story, so it makes sense over text message. Though if said friend has seen the show too, the joke may have a different turnout.
9 Clean Your Room...

Cleaning rooms isn't exactly everyone's favorite thing to do, but it's a part of life. Though, in this particular meme, Will has a point that is totally relatable for everyone, especially if they've been in the same situation. When family comes over, it is the proper thing to straighten up, but is it absolutely necessary to clean every room in the house? Perhaps if said family members are snoopy; otherwise, Will would probably prefer to just leave his door shut and pretend his room is actually clean.
8 That Epiphany About Pizza

Okay, minds are blown with this realization, matching the expression on Will's face. Technically speaking, pizza arrives in three different shapes. Obviously that's not what pizza consumers are thinking when the pizza arrives; they're likely thinking about how great the pizza smells and how delicious it will be.
Will pizza ever be the same again after realizing the amount of shapes it arrives as?
7 That Catchy Theme Song

There are plenty of television theme songs out there that audiences just can't resist singing along to, regardless of how many times they've heard it. Perhaps they've heard the song enough times that they grow sick of it, but it still gets stuck in their head anyway. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air possesses such a theme song; it's catchy, it's sung by Will Smith, and even after seeing this meme, audiences are no doubt singing along in their heads. It's just impossible to resist.
6 Stupid Questions Equal Sarcasm

Stupid questions are out there, and sometimes, people just don't have the patience to deal with it, so they utilize sarcasm. It doesn't always go over well, but it certainly makes for some funny moments from time to time, especially if the other party doesn't understand sarcasm, like Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory. In Will's logic, stupid questions undoubtedly equal sarcastic answers, so audiences beware.
5 Still Finding Everything Interesting

It takes so little to make a dog so incredibly happy. As the meme says, dogs look at everything, even if they've seen it a thousand times before, as if it's brand new and they're absolutely fascinated with it. Will Smith was obviously fascinated with life in Bel-Air upon his arrival, and he was continuously learning from his wealthy relatives.
While his cousins had grown up accustomed to their lifestyle, Will had not, and thus was constantly fascinated by his surroundings.
4 A Halloween Costume Idea...

It's not too late for Halloween costume ideas, and especially for residents of West Philadelphia, or Southern California, recreating Will Smith's look as he pulled up in a cab to his new home would be an awesome costume. It definitely echoes nostalgia for the '90s, and gathering the outfit, suitcase and everything would show a dedication to the costume's authenticity of the character.
3 Butler Burns

Geoffrey usually had a quip or burn up his sleeve, especially for Will. He provided plenty of humor on the show, so why not turn it into a memorable meme? This burn from the butler tells Will everything: he has no need, or desire, to know what's going on with Will, and he uses the full extent of sarcasm to do it. Geoffrey is a beloved character for many reasons, his burns being one of them.
2 Those Dance Moves

Carlton definitely has a personality all his own, and the unique dance moves to go with it. The meme is right; once audiences have seen it, they just can't unsee it. Perhaps audiences will be inspired to indulge in their guilty pleasures and dance like Carlton.
He definitely blazed a trail in dance moves, and even when Will walked in on him, Carlton simply walked away. He didn't need to explain his dance moves or anything else, after all.
1 Fashion Burns

Each generation has their fashion statements; some are timeless and come back into style, and some audiences just have no words for, except that "it was the '90s." Will Smith got a hilarious fashion burn from his kids according to this meme; his kids had a point, his fashion choices weren't always awesome, especially the one pictured. Then again, it was a different time, and fashion has since evolved, creating some pieces that will be valued in the future, and some pieces that future generations would probably rather forget.
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